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血热是什么原因引起的 🩸🌡️

导读 血热是一种中医术语,通常指的是体内热量过多或血液循环加速导致的一系列症状。中医认为血热可能由多种因素引起:饮食不当 🔥overeating ...


饮食不当 🔥overeating spicy, fried, or overly rich foods can lead to an excess of internal heat.

2. 情绪波动 😠long-term stress, anger, or anxiety can cause the liver qi (energy) to stagnate, transforming into heat.

3. 外感风热 🌬️catching a wind-heat pathogen from the environment can also result in blood heat symptoms.

4. 体质因素 💪some people may have a naturally hotter constitution, making them more prone to blood heat.

