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清蒸虹鳟鱼的做法 🐟🍽️

导读 🌿 准备材料:- 虹鳟鱼一条(约500克)🐟- 生姜几片 🍃- 青葱一根 🌱- 盐适量 🧂- 料酒一勺 🥛- 生抽酱油少许 🍯- 香油几滴

🌿 准备材料:

- 虹鳟鱼一条(约500克)🐟

- 生姜几片 🍃

- 青葱一根 🌱

- 盐适量 🧂

- 料酒一勺 🥛

- 生抽酱油少许 🍯

- 香油几滴 🔽

🔪 制作步骤:

1. 将虹鳟鱼清洗干净,从背部剖开去除内脏,然后用厨房纸巾吸干水分。🐟

2. 在鱼身两侧各斜切几刀,以便更好地入味。Knife in hand, make diagonal cuts on both sides of the fish for better seasoning. ✂️

3. 用盐、料酒均匀涂抹在鱼身上,腌制15分钟。Salt and cooking wine should be evenly applied to the fish, let it marinate for 15 minutes.调味品🧂

4. 将生姜片和青葱段铺在盘底,放上腌制好的鱼。Place ginger slices and green onion segments at the bottom of the plate, then place the seasoned fish on top.🍃

5. 大火将水烧开后,放入装有鱼的盘子,大火蒸7-8分钟。After the water boils, put the plate with the fish into the steamer and steam over high heat for 7-8 minutes.🔥

6. 出锅后淋上生抽和香油,撒上葱花即可。Once done, drizzle with soy sauce and sesame oil, and garnish with chopped green onions.🍴

🌈 清蒸虹鳟鱼就做好了,快来试试吧!记得配上一碗热腾腾的米饭,享受这道美味佳肴! Rice goes perfectly with this dish. Enjoy your meal!🍚

美食 烹饪技巧 健康饮食
